Saturday, January 12, 2008

Its raining cats and dogs outside now...the best weather to depicts how I feel now...

Now I really understand how Xiao Han feels when she talks about 明明早已到嘴边的一块肉 , 竟被抢走了这种感觉...真的不好受...现在感觉糟透了...心碎了...很想拿把斧头去砍东西...很想骂脏话...好想大哭一场...又有谁...谁...能了解我现在的心情呢? 都已经说好了吗...干吗每次都要反悔...好失望啊...这已经不是第一次了啊...真的好失望... 期待了那么久...最后到头来...真的是空欢喜一场...好烂啊! 真是的...为了这个旅行计划了很久...有好多东西要买...但是, 不管怎么样对我而言, 最终都不是为了要买东西...而是, 为了在旅游的途中大家开开心心在一起的心情...我好喜欢这种心情...当然, 还有我要去这个旅游最终的目地...那就是感受寒冷...穿上冬衣的心愿...有点无聊...有点笨...但这就是我...嗨, 讲了这么多也没用...不能去..已成为定局了...看来也只好再等下一个冬季的来临了...希望这是我最后一次的失望吧...希望...

大家, 我好开心啊! 刚刚知道旅行没被cancelled, 我的愿望应该能实现了! 太开心了! 现在才知道, 原来自己的心情能有这么多...这么突然...这么大...的起伏...但不管怎么样, 我的眼泪没白流...真开心!!! :)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year first 2008 post...WOW...not really slacking now...helping my mom worked at her chicken rice

What I really feel like doing to complete my Chinese New Year cum Chirstmas card...ya...I am still not finished with that slow...Hmmm...then go Kbox with friends again...I want to sing...keke...Then make a MV with friends...hahas...

Yesterdae went to removed the string...thread...whatever on my gums...and it hurts lor...thought it won't hurt one...but luckily the nice dentist did put some anaesthetic on my gum which smelled like favourite fruit!!! But when it touched my tasted super when I looked at the mirror...there is two gapping holes on the back of my mouth cos my dentist told me that the wound have not healed completely of the hole is really quite big till you could see a little of your cheek bone...ya the bone...I am not kidding ok...thats how big the dentist have to make to take the wisdom tooths out...thats why stitches are a must...hahas...but the wound does not really hurt much le...lucky...lucky...but it is still gross to look at the bone....very still think it is pretty cool...hahas...I siao liao...

After Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi have ended...Channel U re-show Goong...thought I won't be interested...but then still quite nice leh...keke...I still like Xin, Shin...and I find the girl acting as Chae Gyung...a really good actress...Can't believe its the same girl acting in Coffee Prince...another super nice show...hahas...

Made this really long ago...hey...COMMENT ABOUT THEM OK? Hahas...TELL ME WHICH ONE YOU ALL LIKE THE BEST!!! Think I show Julianne and Charlene before...hahas...Made from ...but I edit some details myself...

Chae Gyung:
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Shin Goon:
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Yul Goon :
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Hyo Rin:

Kang Hyun:



A loxxx of people coming back from China have been telling me that it is super cold...EG: Xiao Father who is in China now...Man...donno I can stand the cold or not...HuiQi...Aja Aja...hahas...But I still hope there will be snow...Oh ya...todae is Charlene's Birthday...keke...Happy Birthday!!!

Heres what we (Me, Charlene, Julianne, Her Shuang and Xiao Han) have done today at IMM...keke...enjoy!!!