Sunday, February 11, 2007

Updating...upgraded computer liao...but RAM is still the same...HaiZz...cannot play The Sims cos RAM is way too slow le...but looking at the bright side...I can use the time to study...then get a GREAT A'level results then play The Sims...hahas...

Chinese New Year coming le...but I will be Pi-ing nian in escaping Chinese New Year cos I am going to Thailand this New Year...YEAH!!! But straight after New Year got a Chem test...since I am only coming back at Tuesday...which means I only got one day to study for Chem...I may be bringing Chem notes over to Thailand...imagine studying Chem Periodicity, Goup 2, 7...and Energetics on the plane and in the hotel...WOW...hahas...what to do? Then I must remember to take post cards for Julianne and also buy gifts for my friends especially if there are Goong things...hehehe...Well...I will wish everyone a very early HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! CHEERZz... :)

Heres the photos me, Julianne, Charlene, Hwee Hoon, Her Shuang and Sze Ying took while shopping at Vivo City...we had a really happy time...while buying things...then taking loxxx of photos and also have time to create a story...well, actually the LOVE story is created by me...hahas...Friends 4ever!!!

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